Research Article
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Education and artificial intelligence in communication studies: A technical-practical-ethical discussion in students’ experience of use

Year 2025, Issue: 13, 109 - 136, 27.02.2025


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are reshaping human-machine relationships in today’s digital world, offering new opportunities in the field of communication. AI-based tools are widely used across various sectors, from education to professional practices, prompting interdisciplinary discussions. Integrating AI applications in universities provides a new experience in communication education, generating new debates around ethical issues, university regulations, student-academic relationships. This study aims to explore the AI usage experiences, perspectives of undergraduate students in universities, focusing on technical knowledge, consumption routines, and the context of original production and ethics. The research, employing a qualitative methodology, was conducted through structured in-depth interviews with twelve undergraduate students across three different departments in the faculty of communication at a private university in Ankara. The findings indicate that AI usage experiences differ according to demographic variables; routine use of AI has become widespread in undergraduate education, but awareness of original production and ethical responsibility remains limited.

Ethical Statement

"Education and artificial intelligence in communication studies: A technical-practical-ethical discussion in students’ experience of use" was ethically approved by Başkent University Social Sciences and Humanities and Arts Area Research Board on April 22, 2024, with the decision numbered 171622298.600-122. The voluntary participants signed informed consent forms. Participant names are anonymous. Confidentiality of research data is the responsibility of the authors.

Project Number



  • Arslan, K. (2017). Eğitimde yapay zekâ ve uygulamaları. Batı anadolu eğitim bilimleri dergisi, 11(1), 71-88.
  • Bali, M. M., Kumalasani, M. P. & Yunilasari, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence in higher education: Perspicacity relation between educators and students. Journal of innovation in educational and cultural research, 3(2), 146-152.
  • Bostrom, N. & Yudkowsky, E. (2018). The ethics of articial intelligence. R. V. Yampolskiy (Ed.), Artificial intelligence safety and security (1st edition) (p. 57-70). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Bughin, J., LaBerge, L. & Mellbye, A. (2017, February 9). The case for digital reinvention. McKinsey digital.
  • Chomsky, N., Roberts, I. & Watumull, J. (2023, March 8). The false promise of ChatGPT. New York Times.
  • Chiu, T. K. F. (2024). Future research recommendations for transforming higher education with generative AI. Computers and education: Artificial intelligence, 6, 1-9.
  • Connor, K. E. & Cali, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence in departments of communication: A course proposal. Explorations in media ecology, 23(2), 175-198.
  • Coşkun, F. & Gülleroğlu, H. D. (2021). Yapay zekânın tarih içindeki gelişimi ve eğitimde kullanılması. Ankara University journal of Faculty of Eucational Sciences (JFES), 54(3), 947-966.
  • Crompton, H. & Burke, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence in higher education: the state of the field. International journal of educational technology in higher education 20(22), 1-22.
  • Demirel, E. S. (2023). İletişim alanında yapay zekâ: İletişim fakültelerinde yapay zekâ çalışmaları üzerine bir araştırma. International social sciences studies journal, 9(118), 9842-9852.
  • Eager, B. & Brunton, R. (2023). Prompting higher education towards AI-augmented teaching and learning practice. Journal of university teaching and learning practice, 20(5), 1-19.
  • Foldes, S. (2018, March 2). AI won’t take over corporate communications, but it can help. Forbes.
  • Gerbner, G. (1959). Education and the challenge of mass culture. AV communication review, 7, 264-278.
  • Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M. & Signorielli, N. (1994). Growing up with television: The cultivation perspective. J. Bryant & D. Zillmann (Ed.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (1st edition) (p. 17-41). Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Gulson, K. N. & Webb, P. T. (2017). Education policy and racial biopolitics in multicultural cities (1st edition). Policy.
  • Gunkel, D. J. (2012). Communication and artificial intelligence: Opportunities and challenges for the 21st century. Futures of communication,1(1), 1-25.
  • Gürsoy, A. Ö. & Şavk, S. (2024). From scriptor to promptor: An evaluation of the status of authorship, authenticity, and creativity in light of the use of artificial intelligence in screenwriting. ARTS, 12, 57-82.
  • Güzey, C., Çakır, O., Athar, M. H. & Yurdaöz, E. (2023). Eğitimde yapay zekâ üzerine gerçekleştirilmiş araştırmalardaki eğilimlerin incelenmesi. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri dergisi, 5(1), 67-78.
  • Hannan, E. & Liu, S. (2023). AI: new source of competitiveness in higher education. Competitiveness review, 33(2), 265-279.
  • Holmes, W., Bialik, M. & Fadel, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications for teaching and learning (1st edition). Center for curriculum redesign.
  • Holmes, W., Persson, J., Chounta, I.A., Wasson, B. & Dimitrova, V. (2022). Artificial intelligence and education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Council of Europe.
  • HolonIQ. (2021, September 30). Global trends in education innovation & investment.
  • İşler, B. & Kılıç, M.Y. (2021). Eğitimde yapay zekâ kullanımı ve gelişimi. Yeni medya elektronik dergi, 5(1), 1-11.
  • Jaboob, M., Hazaimeh, M. & Al-Ansi, A. M. (2024). Integration of generative AI techniques and applications in student behavior and cognitive achievement in Arab higher education. International journal of human–computer interaction, 1-14.
  • Kazu, İ. Y. & Özdemir, O. (2009). Öğrencilerin bireysel özelliklerinin yapay zekâ ile belirlenmesi (Bulanık mantık örneği). 9. Akademik bilişim konferansı bildiri kitapçığı (1st edition) (p. 457-466).
  • Luckin, R. (2018). Machine learning and human intelligence: The future of education for the 21st century (1st edition). UCL Institute of Education.
  • Marr, B. & Ward, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence in practice: How 50 successful companies used AI and machine learning to solve problems (1st edition). Wiley.
  • McCarthy, J., Minsky, M., Rochester, N. & Shannon, C.E. (2006). A proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on artificial intelligence. AI magazine, 27(4), 12-14.
  • McLuhan, M. (1962). Gutenberg galaxy: The making of typographic man (1st edition). University of Toronto.
  • McLuhan, M. (1994). Understanding media: Extensions of man (1st edition). Ginko.
  • McLuhan, M. & Fiore, Q. (1967). The medium is the massage (1st edition). Random house.
  • Michel-Villarreal, R., Vilalta-Perdomo, E., Salinas-Navarro, D. E., Thierry-Aguilera, R. & Gerardou, F.S. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of generative AI for higher education as explained by ChatGPT. Education sciences, 13(9), 1-18.
  • Natale, S. (2021). Communicating through or communicating with approaching artificial intelligence from a communication and media studies perspective. Communication theory, 31(4), 905-910.
  • Neumann, M., Rauschenberger, M. & Schön, E. M. (2023). We need to talk about ChatGPT: The future of AI and higher education, 5th International workshop on software engineering education for the next generation (1st edition) (p. 29-32).
  • Öcal, E. E., Atay, E., Önsüz, M. F., Algın, F., Çokyiğit, F. K., Kılınç, S., Köse, Ö. S. & Yiğit, F. N. (2020). Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin tıpta yapay zekâ ile ilgili düşünceleri. Türk tıp öğrencileri araştırma dergisi, 2(1), 9-16.
  • Perrotta, C. & Selwyn, N. (2020). Deep learning goes to school: Toward a relational understanding of AI in education. Learning, media and technology, 45(3), 251-269.
  • Saaida, M. B. (2023). AI-Driven transformations in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. International journal of educational research and studies, 5(1), 29-36.
  • Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication, The bell system technical journal, 27, 379-423 and 623-656.
  • Sousa, M. J., Dal Mas, F., Pesqueira, A., Lemos, C., Verde, J. M. & Cobianchi, L. (2021). The potential of AI in health higher education to increase the student’s learning outcomes. TEM journal, 10(2), 488-497.
  • Sui, D. Z. & Goodchild, M.F. (2003). A tetradic analysis of GIS and society using McLuhan’s law of media. Canadian geographers, 47(1), 5-17.
  • Taşçı, G. & Çelebi, M. (2020). Eğitimde yeni bir paradigma: Yükseköğretimde yapay zekâ. OPUS uluslararası toplum araştırmaları dergisi, 16(29), 2346-2370.
  • Tosyalı, H. (2021). Artificial intelligence in communication studies: An investigation on studies between 1982-2021. TRT akademi, 6(13), 680-699.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Uzelli-Yılmaz, D., Yıldırım, D., Akın-Korhan, E. & Özer-Kaya, D. (2021). Yapay zekâ ve sağlıkta yapay zekânın kullanımına yönelik sağlık bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin görüşleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, 12(3), 297-308.
  • UNESCO. (2024). Eğitim ve araştırmada üretken yapay zekâ kılavuzu (1st edition).
  • UNICEF. (2021). Policy guidance on AI for children.
  • Uzun, Y., Tümtürk, A. Y. & Öztürk, H. (2021). Günümüzde ve gelecekte eğitim alanında kullanılan yapay zekâ. 1. International conference on applied engineering and natural sciences, today and used in the future artificial intelligence (ICAENS) (1st edition) (p. 813-818).
  • Wang, T., Lund, B. D., Marengo, A., Pagano., A., Mannuru, N. R., Teel, Z. A. & Pange J. (2023). Exploring the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on international students in higher education: Generative AI, chatbots, analytics, and international student success. Applied sciences. 13(11), 1-15.
  • Yıldırım, F. S. & Kıray, S. A. (2016). Flipped classroom model in education. W. Wu, S. Alan & M. T. Hebebci (Ed.), Research highlights in education and science (1st edition) (p. 2-8). ISRES.
  • Zawacki-Richter, O., Marín, V. I., Bond, M. & Gouverneur, F. (2019). Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education: Recommendations for future research. International journal of educational technology in higher education, 16(1), 1-27.
  • Zembylas, M. (2021). A decolonial approach to AI in higher education teaching and learning: strategies for undoing the ethics of digital neocolonialism. Learning, media and technology, 48(1), 25-37.

İletişim çalışmalarında eğitim ve yapay zekâ: Öğrencilerin kullanım deneyiminde teknik-pratik-etik bir tartışma

Year 2025, Issue: 13, 109 - 136, 27.02.2025


Yapay zekâ (YZ) teknolojileri, günümüz dijital dünyasında insan-makine ilişkilerini yeniden şekillendirerek iletişim alanında yeni olanaklar sunmaktadır. YZ tabanlı araçlar, eğitimden iş pratiğine kadar çeşitli alanlarda yaygın olarak kullanılmakta, bu da interdisipliner tartışmaları beraberinde getirmektedir. Üniversitelerde YZ uygulamalarının entegrasyonu, iletişim eğitimine yeni bir deneyim kazandırırken, etik sorunlar, üniversite düzenlemeleri ve öğrenci-akademisyen ilişkileri gibi konularda da yeni tartışmalar ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, üniversitelerde lisans eğitimi alan öğrencilerin YZ kullanım deneyim ve görüşlerinin; teknik bilgi, tüketim rutini, özgün üretim-etik bağlamında incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi çerçevesinde Ankara’da bir vakıf üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan iletişim fakültesinin üç farklı bölümünde, farklı sınıflarda eğitim alan on iki lisans öğrencisi ile yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, YZ kullanım deneyiminin demografik değişkenlere bağlı olarak farklılaşan görüş ve deneyimler üzerinden aktarıldığı; lisans eğitiminde YZ’nin rutin kullanımın yaygınlaştığı; buna karşın özgün üretim ve etik sorumluluğa ilişkin farkındalığın sınırlı olduğu görülmüştür.

Ethical Statement

"İletişim çalışmalarında eğitim ve yapay zekâ: Öğrencilerin kullanım deneyiminde teknik-pratik-etik bir tartışma" Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler ve Sanatlar Alanı Araştırma Kurulu tarafından 22 Nisan 2024 tarihinde 171622298.600-122 sayılı kararla etik olarak onaylanmıştır. Gönüllü katılımcılar bilgilendirilmiş onam formlarını imzalamıştır. Katılımcı isimleri anonimdir. Araştırma verilerinin gizliliği yazarların sorumluluğundadır.

Project Number



  • Arslan, K. (2017). Eğitimde yapay zekâ ve uygulamaları. Batı anadolu eğitim bilimleri dergisi, 11(1), 71-88.
  • Bali, M. M., Kumalasani, M. P. & Yunilasari, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence in higher education: Perspicacity relation between educators and students. Journal of innovation in educational and cultural research, 3(2), 146-152.
  • Bostrom, N. & Yudkowsky, E. (2018). The ethics of articial intelligence. R. V. Yampolskiy (Ed.), Artificial intelligence safety and security (1st edition) (p. 57-70). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Bughin, J., LaBerge, L. & Mellbye, A. (2017, February 9). The case for digital reinvention. McKinsey digital.
  • Chomsky, N., Roberts, I. & Watumull, J. (2023, March 8). The false promise of ChatGPT. New York Times.
  • Chiu, T. K. F. (2024). Future research recommendations for transforming higher education with generative AI. Computers and education: Artificial intelligence, 6, 1-9.
  • Connor, K. E. & Cali, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence in departments of communication: A course proposal. Explorations in media ecology, 23(2), 175-198.
  • Coşkun, F. & Gülleroğlu, H. D. (2021). Yapay zekânın tarih içindeki gelişimi ve eğitimde kullanılması. Ankara University journal of Faculty of Eucational Sciences (JFES), 54(3), 947-966.
  • Crompton, H. & Burke, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence in higher education: the state of the field. International journal of educational technology in higher education 20(22), 1-22.
  • Demirel, E. S. (2023). İletişim alanında yapay zekâ: İletişim fakültelerinde yapay zekâ çalışmaları üzerine bir araştırma. International social sciences studies journal, 9(118), 9842-9852.
  • Eager, B. & Brunton, R. (2023). Prompting higher education towards AI-augmented teaching and learning practice. Journal of university teaching and learning practice, 20(5), 1-19.
  • Foldes, S. (2018, March 2). AI won’t take over corporate communications, but it can help. Forbes.
  • Gerbner, G. (1959). Education and the challenge of mass culture. AV communication review, 7, 264-278.
  • Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M. & Signorielli, N. (1994). Growing up with television: The cultivation perspective. J. Bryant & D. Zillmann (Ed.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (1st edition) (p. 17-41). Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Gulson, K. N. & Webb, P. T. (2017). Education policy and racial biopolitics in multicultural cities (1st edition). Policy.
  • Gunkel, D. J. (2012). Communication and artificial intelligence: Opportunities and challenges for the 21st century. Futures of communication,1(1), 1-25.
  • Gürsoy, A. Ö. & Şavk, S. (2024). From scriptor to promptor: An evaluation of the status of authorship, authenticity, and creativity in light of the use of artificial intelligence in screenwriting. ARTS, 12, 57-82.
  • Güzey, C., Çakır, O., Athar, M. H. & Yurdaöz, E. (2023). Eğitimde yapay zekâ üzerine gerçekleştirilmiş araştırmalardaki eğilimlerin incelenmesi. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri dergisi, 5(1), 67-78.
  • Hannan, E. & Liu, S. (2023). AI: new source of competitiveness in higher education. Competitiveness review, 33(2), 265-279.
  • Holmes, W., Bialik, M. & Fadel, C. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications for teaching and learning (1st edition). Center for curriculum redesign.
  • Holmes, W., Persson, J., Chounta, I.A., Wasson, B. & Dimitrova, V. (2022). Artificial intelligence and education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Council of Europe.
  • HolonIQ. (2021, September 30). Global trends in education innovation & investment.
  • İşler, B. & Kılıç, M.Y. (2021). Eğitimde yapay zekâ kullanımı ve gelişimi. Yeni medya elektronik dergi, 5(1), 1-11.
  • Jaboob, M., Hazaimeh, M. & Al-Ansi, A. M. (2024). Integration of generative AI techniques and applications in student behavior and cognitive achievement in Arab higher education. International journal of human–computer interaction, 1-14.
  • Kazu, İ. Y. & Özdemir, O. (2009). Öğrencilerin bireysel özelliklerinin yapay zekâ ile belirlenmesi (Bulanık mantık örneği). 9. Akademik bilişim konferansı bildiri kitapçığı (1st edition) (p. 457-466).
  • Luckin, R. (2018). Machine learning and human intelligence: The future of education for the 21st century (1st edition). UCL Institute of Education.
  • Marr, B. & Ward, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence in practice: How 50 successful companies used AI and machine learning to solve problems (1st edition). Wiley.
  • McCarthy, J., Minsky, M., Rochester, N. & Shannon, C.E. (2006). A proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on artificial intelligence. AI magazine, 27(4), 12-14.
  • McLuhan, M. (1962). Gutenberg galaxy: The making of typographic man (1st edition). University of Toronto.
  • McLuhan, M. (1994). Understanding media: Extensions of man (1st edition). Ginko.
  • McLuhan, M. & Fiore, Q. (1967). The medium is the massage (1st edition). Random house.
  • Michel-Villarreal, R., Vilalta-Perdomo, E., Salinas-Navarro, D. E., Thierry-Aguilera, R. & Gerardou, F.S. (2023). Challenges and opportunities of generative AI for higher education as explained by ChatGPT. Education sciences, 13(9), 1-18.
  • Natale, S. (2021). Communicating through or communicating with approaching artificial intelligence from a communication and media studies perspective. Communication theory, 31(4), 905-910.
  • Neumann, M., Rauschenberger, M. & Schön, E. M. (2023). We need to talk about ChatGPT: The future of AI and higher education, 5th International workshop on software engineering education for the next generation (1st edition) (p. 29-32).
  • Öcal, E. E., Atay, E., Önsüz, M. F., Algın, F., Çokyiğit, F. K., Kılınç, S., Köse, Ö. S. & Yiğit, F. N. (2020). Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin tıpta yapay zekâ ile ilgili düşünceleri. Türk tıp öğrencileri araştırma dergisi, 2(1), 9-16.
  • Perrotta, C. & Selwyn, N. (2020). Deep learning goes to school: Toward a relational understanding of AI in education. Learning, media and technology, 45(3), 251-269.
  • Saaida, M. B. (2023). AI-Driven transformations in higher education: Opportunities and challenges. International journal of educational research and studies, 5(1), 29-36.
  • Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication, The bell system technical journal, 27, 379-423 and 623-656.
  • Sousa, M. J., Dal Mas, F., Pesqueira, A., Lemos, C., Verde, J. M. & Cobianchi, L. (2021). The potential of AI in health higher education to increase the student’s learning outcomes. TEM journal, 10(2), 488-497.
  • Sui, D. Z. & Goodchild, M.F. (2003). A tetradic analysis of GIS and society using McLuhan’s law of media. Canadian geographers, 47(1), 5-17.
  • Taşçı, G. & Çelebi, M. (2020). Eğitimde yeni bir paradigma: Yükseköğretimde yapay zekâ. OPUS uluslararası toplum araştırmaları dergisi, 16(29), 2346-2370.
  • Tosyalı, H. (2021). Artificial intelligence in communication studies: An investigation on studies between 1982-2021. TRT akademi, 6(13), 680-699.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Uzelli-Yılmaz, D., Yıldırım, D., Akın-Korhan, E. & Özer-Kaya, D. (2021). Yapay zekâ ve sağlıkta yapay zekânın kullanımına yönelik sağlık bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin görüşleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri dergisi, 12(3), 297-308.
  • UNESCO. (2024). Eğitim ve araştırmada üretken yapay zekâ kılavuzu (1st edition).
  • UNICEF. (2021). Policy guidance on AI for children.
  • Uzun, Y., Tümtürk, A. Y. & Öztürk, H. (2021). Günümüzde ve gelecekte eğitim alanında kullanılan yapay zekâ. 1. International conference on applied engineering and natural sciences, today and used in the future artificial intelligence (ICAENS) (1st edition) (p. 813-818).
  • Wang, T., Lund, B. D., Marengo, A., Pagano., A., Mannuru, N. R., Teel, Z. A. & Pange J. (2023). Exploring the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on international students in higher education: Generative AI, chatbots, analytics, and international student success. Applied sciences. 13(11), 1-15.
  • Yıldırım, F. S. & Kıray, S. A. (2016). Flipped classroom model in education. W. Wu, S. Alan & M. T. Hebebci (Ed.), Research highlights in education and science (1st edition) (p. 2-8). ISRES.
  • Zawacki-Richter, O., Marín, V. I., Bond, M. & Gouverneur, F. (2019). Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education: Recommendations for future research. International journal of educational technology in higher education, 16(1), 1-27.
  • Zembylas, M. (2021). A decolonial approach to AI in higher education teaching and learning: strategies for undoing the ethics of digital neocolonialism. Learning, media and technology, 48(1), 25-37.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cultural Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Sevil Bal 0000-0002-2737-4745

Sıla Tanışık 0000-0002-6020-5855

Project Number -
Publication Date February 27, 2025
Submission Date November 15, 2024
Acceptance Date February 13, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025Issue: 13


APA Bal, S., & Tanışık, S. (2025). Education and artificial intelligence in communication studies: A technical-practical-ethical discussion in students’ experience of use. ARTS: Artuklu Sanat Ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi(13), 109-136.