Call for Papers

Call for Papers
Special Issue: War and International System
Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi

Guest Editor:
Assoc. Prof. Öner AKGÜL (Ph.D)

Deadline for Article Submission:
30 May 2024

The intricate relationship between war and the international system is a critical area of study that requires scholarly attention. The modern phenomenon of war is deeply entangled with the dynamics of the international system and influences its initiation, conduct, and resolution. Conversely, war serves as a transformative force, acting as a catalyst for the emergence of new structures within the international order. It is imperative to comprehend this holistic process without imposing a predetermined, sequential relationship between the two concepts.

Drawing insights from modern history has enhanced this perspective. Prominent examples include the Concert of Europe, arising in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, the League of Nations following World War I, and the establishment of the United Nations post-World War II. These instances underscore the reciprocal influence between war and the international system, emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding.

More recently, key events, such as the end of the Cold War and the 9/11 attacks, have served as seismic shifts, profoundly affecting the contemporary international system. The repercussions of these events reverberate in conflicts such as those in Ukraine and other global hotspots. The confluence of heightened uncertainty and the fog of war further complicates the trajectory of both the international system and modern warfare.

This Special Issue seeks to explore these transformative changes in light of the aforementioned developments. We invite scholarly contributions employing quantitative, qualitative, or hybrid research approaches, examining military and political dynamics across diverse locations from unique perspectives. We welcome submissions from scholars in international relations, war studies, and related disciplines within the social sciences.

The topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to,

- The problem of polarity and war
- Arm Races and international system
- Character of war debates and effects on systemic transformation
- The Future of Military Alliances
- International organizations and war
- Institutional changes [ethics and politics] in military
- Status seeking and war
- Revisiting cyclical theories of war
- Dyadic or regional wars and effects on international system
- Cyber Security and system effects
- Reconsidering on anarchy/hierarchy
- Power and war in the age of emerging technologies

About Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi
Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published triannually. The Journal was first published open access by the Strategic Research Institute (SRI) of Turkish War Colleges in 2005 and has continued its publication life uninterrupted since then. The Journal’s publishing rights have been transferred to Atatürk Strategic Studies and Graduate Institute (ATASAREN) established under Turkish National Defence University in 2016. (For more information, see:

About the Article Submission Process
Submissions will be accepted in English by means of the website until May 30, 2024. For questions to the editor, please contact

Last Update Time: 4/17/24, 8:56:18 PM