Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Erkin Magazine's Publication Ethics and Publication Abuse Statement is based on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).

Erkin Journal editors take serious precautions to detect and prevent the publication of articles with research misconduct so that they do not encourage such abuses or knowingly allow such abuses to be made. If the editors of Erkin Journal find reasons to suspect research misconduct, they will deal with the allegations appropriately. Erkin Magazine editors are always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

Authors have the right to request retraction, refutation, or correction of articles at any time before publication. However, they can request the retraction or correction of their article within five days after it has been published in an issue. Otherwise, they will have to write a correction notice, which will be published in the next issue. Withdrawals are possible at any stage prior to publication.