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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 61, 15.01.2014


Bu makalede ancak sekülerleşmenin izini sürerek akültürasyonun anlaşılabileceği kanaatinden hareketle Batılı sekülerleşme sürecinin ürünü civilization kavramının modern İslâm dünyasını nasıl etkilediği ele alınmaktadır. Bunun için gelenekselden modern dünyaya Müslüman medeniyet tasavvurları, Katolik-modern ve Protestan-seküler olarak iki ana-başlık altında toplanmış dört alt-başlık altında incelenmiştir: 1. Medenî hukuk toplumu, 2. İnsâniyet çağı, 3. Tümel bir din, 4. Tikel bir din olarak medeniyet. Modernleşme ve sekülerleşme, hayat ve düşünce tarzındaki dönüşümü, civilization ise ikisinin kesiştiği süreci belirtmektedir. Batı’da din meşrûlaştırma kaynağı olmaktan çıkınca zamanla beşerî pratik norm haline getirilmiş, diyânetin bizzat dinleşmesiyle medeniyet dinin yerini almıştır. “Medeniyet/kültür” ayırımına karşılık olarak sekülerleşme denen kimliklerin dönüştürülmesi sürecinin birinci merhalesini, tümel kimlik kaynağı olarak dinin yerine medeniyetin normatifleştirilmesi (medeniyet), ikinci merhalesini ise tikel ve tümel kimlik kaynaklarının terkibinden oluşan yeni kimlik kaynağının özselleştirilmesi (İslâm medeniyeti) oluşturmuştur. Bir geçiş devrinin karakteristiği olarak gelenek ile modernliğin sınırında duran son Osmanlı aydınlarının medeniyet tasavvurları, “İki Dinin” ile “İki Kültürün Karşılaşması Olarak Medeniyet Meselesi” şeklinde iki ana başlığa ayrılarak incelenebilir.


  • Abdurrahman Fehmi. 1304/1887. Medresetü’l-Arab. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Ebüzziya.
  • Ahmed Cevdet. 1277. trc.. Mukaddime-i İbni Haldun, III. Cild. İstanbul.
  • —— 1309/1891. Târîh-i Cevdet, Tertib-i Cedid, I-XII. Dersaâdet: Matbaa-i Osmaniye.
  • —— 1986. Tezâkir, I-IV. Cavid Baysun yay.., Ankara: TTK.
  • Ahmed Rasim. 1304/1887. Arabların Terakkiyyât-ı Medeniyesi. İstanbul: A. Mavran Şirket-i Mürettibiye Matbaası.
  • Akyiğitzâde Musa. 1315/1897. Avrupa Medeniyetinin Esâsına Bir Nazar. İstanbul: Cemal Efendi Matbaası.
  • Ali Rıza Seyfi. 1933. “Türklerin Medeniyete Hizmetleri,” Ülkü 1/2 Mart.
  • Atwill, Janet M. 1998. Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition. London: Cornell UP.
  • Aydın, Cemil. 1995. Mecmûa-ı Fünûn ve Mecmûa-ı Ulûm Dergilerinin Medeniyet ve Bilim Anlayışı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi.
  • Balmes, Jaime Luciano. 1851. Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on The Civilization of Europe. Baltimore: John Murphy.
  • Barendse, Rene J. 2009. Arabian Seas 1700-1763: The Western Indian Ocean in the Eighteenth Century, Kings, Gangsters and Companies, Men and Merchandise. Leiden: Brill.
  • Blix, Göran. 2006. “Charting the “Transitional Period”: The Emergence of Modern Time in the Nineteenth Century,” History and Theory 45/1 February.: 51-71.
  • Brann, Eva. T. H. 2011. The Logos of Heraclitus: The First Philosopher of the West on Its Most Interesting Term. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books.
  • Buckle, Henry Thomas. 1857-61. History of Civilisation in England, I-II. London: J.W.Parker and Son.
  • Budak, Ali. 2011. Mecmûa-i Fünun: Osmanlı’nın İlk Bilim Dergisi. İstanbul: Bilge Kültür Sanat.
  • Bursalı, Mehmed Tahir. 1327/1911.Türklerin ‘Ulûm ve Fünûna Hizmetleri. Necm-i İstikbal Matbaası.
  • —— 1972. Osmanlı Müellifleri, I-III. İstanbul: Meral.
  • Büyükdereci, Havva. 2001. Gayret Dergisi Fihrist ve Metinler. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Byrne, Leo G. 1964. The Great Ambassador: A Study of The Diplomatic Career of The Right Honourable Stratford Canning, K.G., G.C.B., Viscount Stratford De Redcliffe, and The Epoch During Which He Served as the British Ambassador to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Sultan. Columbus: The Ohio State UP.
  • Conn, Robert T. 2002. The Politics of Philology: Alfonso Reyes and the Invention of the Latin American Literary Tradition. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP.
  • Cooper, Julie E. 2013. Secular Powers: Humility in Modern Political Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Craig, Albert M. 2009. Civilization and Enlightenment: The Early Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
  • Deutscher, Penelope-Oliver, Kelly. eds. 1999. Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman. Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
  • Dewey, John. 1993. The Political Writings. Debra Morris and Ian Shapiro eds.., Indianapolis: Hackett. The Earl of Abingdon. 1780.
  • Dedication To The Collective Body of The People of England, ; in Which The Source of Our Present Political Distractions Are Sic. Pointed Out, And A Plan Proposed For Their Remedy And Redress. Oxford: W. Jackson.
  • Elias, Norbert. 1998. On Civilization, Power, and Knowledge: Selected Writings. Stephen Mennell and Johan Goudsblom eds.., Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Fabian, Johannes. 1983. Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes its Object. New York: Columbia UP.
  • Fitzgerald, Timothy. 2007. Discourse on Civility and Barbarity: A Critical History of Religion and Related Categories. Oxford: Oxford UP. Garner, Roberta. 1990. “Jacob Burckhardt as a Theorist of Modernity: Reading The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy,” Sociological Theory 8/1 Spring.: 48–57.
  • Gasper, Michael Ezekiel. 2009. The Power of Representation: Publics, Peasants, and Islam in Egypt. Palo Alto: Stanford UP.
  • Gencer, Bedri. 2009. “Hıristiyanlaştırmadan Medenîleştirmeye Batılı Kozmopolitanizmin Dönüşümü,” Muhafazakâr Düşünce 6/21-22 Yaz-Güz.: 9-40.
  • —— 2010. “Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers in John Locke,” The European Legacy 15/3 June.: 323–339.
  • —— 2011. Hikmet Kavşağında Edmund Burke ile Ahmed Cevdet. İstanbul: Kapı.
  • —— 2012. İslâm’da Modernleşme, 1839-1939. Ankara: DoğuBatı.
  • —— 2013a. “İlahi Ekonomi Olarak Din”, Kün Edebiyat 5 Mart-Nisan.: 20-23.
  • —— 2013b. “Medeniyet Ütopyası Peşinde,” Gelenekten Geleceğe Dergisi Medeniyetimiz Sayısı, 2 Haziran. 53-65.
  • Goudsblom, Johan. 2003. “Christian Religion and the European Civilising Process: The Views of Norbert Elias and Max Weber Compared in the Context of the Augustinian and Lucretian Traditions,” Irish Journal of Sociology 12: 24–38.
  • Gourevitch, Victor. 1972. “Rousseau on Arts and Sciences,” Journal of Philosophy 64 20.: 737-754.
  • Göçek, Fatma Müge. 1996. Rise of the Bourgoisie Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change. New York: Oxford UP.
  • Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume. 1997. [1828] The History of Civilization in Europe. William Hazlitt trs..-Larrry Siedentop ed.., London: Penguin.
  • Güler, Ruhi. 2006. Tanzimat’tan II. Meşrûtiyet’e ‘Medeniyet’ Anlayışının Evrimi Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • Günaltay, M. Şemsettin. 1932. “İslâm Medeniyetinde Türklerin Mevkii,” Birinci Türk Tarih Kongresi, 289-306, Ankara: Maârif Vekâleti. Halil, Halid. 1898. A Study in English Turcophobia. London: Pan-Islamic Society.
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  • Hobbes, Thomas. 2003. Leviathan. Richard Tuck ed... Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
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  • Hüseyin Kazım Kadri. Muhsin-i Fânî ez-Zâhirî. 1339/1923. Yirminci Asırda İslâmiyet. İstanbul: Evkâf-ı İslâmiye Matbaası. Isin, Engin. 2002. Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • İbni Haldun, Muhammed. 2004. Mukaddime, I-II. Abdullah Muhammed Derviş yay., Dımaşk: Dâru Ya’rib.
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  • Jedlicki, Jerzy. 1999. A Suburb of Europe: Nineteenth-century Polish Approaches to Western Civilization. Budapest: Central European UP.
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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 25 - 61, 15.01.2014


Departing from the conviction that acculturation can only be understood by tracing secularization, this paper studies how the concept civilization spawned by the Western process of secularization affected the modern Islamic world. Therefore, the Muslim conceptions of civilization from the traditional to the modern world are treated under four sub-headings gathered under two main headings as Catholic-modern and Protestant-secular conceptions of civilization as: 1. The society of civil law, 2. The age of humanity, 3. A general religion, 4. A particular religion. While modernization and secularization denote a transformation in ways of living and thinking, civilization denotes the process of their intersection. As religion ceased to be the source of legitimation in the West, human practice had been normativized over time, religion had been replaced by civilization with religiosity becoming the very religion. In correspondence to the distinction of “civilization/culture”, the normativization of civilization in place of religion as the general source of identity (civilization) constituted the first stage of the process of the transformation of identities called secularization, and the essentalization of the new source of identity consisting of the combination of the general and particular sources of identity (Islamic civilization) constituted its second stage. The conceptions of civilization by the late Ottoman intellectuals, who stand along the borderline of tradition and modernity, as characteristic of an era of transition can be studied by dividing them into two main headings, as the question of civilization as the encounter of “Two Religions” vs. “Two Cultures”.


  • Abdurrahman Fehmi. 1304/1887. Medresetü’l-Arab. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Ebüzziya.
  • Ahmed Cevdet. 1277. trc.. Mukaddime-i İbni Haldun, III. Cild. İstanbul.
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  • Ahmed Rasim. 1304/1887. Arabların Terakkiyyât-ı Medeniyesi. İstanbul: A. Mavran Şirket-i Mürettibiye Matbaası.
  • Akyiğitzâde Musa. 1315/1897. Avrupa Medeniyetinin Esâsına Bir Nazar. İstanbul: Cemal Efendi Matbaası.
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  • Barendse, Rene J. 2009. Arabian Seas 1700-1763: The Western Indian Ocean in the Eighteenth Century, Kings, Gangsters and Companies, Men and Merchandise. Leiden: Brill.
  • Blix, Göran. 2006. “Charting the “Transitional Period”: The Emergence of Modern Time in the Nineteenth Century,” History and Theory 45/1 February.: 51-71.
  • Brann, Eva. T. H. 2011. The Logos of Heraclitus: The First Philosopher of the West on Its Most Interesting Term. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books.
  • Buckle, Henry Thomas. 1857-61. History of Civilisation in England, I-II. London: J.W.Parker and Son.
  • Budak, Ali. 2011. Mecmûa-i Fünun: Osmanlı’nın İlk Bilim Dergisi. İstanbul: Bilge Kültür Sanat.
  • Bursalı, Mehmed Tahir. 1327/1911.Türklerin ‘Ulûm ve Fünûna Hizmetleri. Necm-i İstikbal Matbaası.
  • —— 1972. Osmanlı Müellifleri, I-III. İstanbul: Meral.
  • Büyükdereci, Havva. 2001. Gayret Dergisi Fihrist ve Metinler. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi.
  • Byrne, Leo G. 1964. The Great Ambassador: A Study of The Diplomatic Career of The Right Honourable Stratford Canning, K.G., G.C.B., Viscount Stratford De Redcliffe, and The Epoch During Which He Served as the British Ambassador to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Sultan. Columbus: The Ohio State UP.
  • Conn, Robert T. 2002. The Politics of Philology: Alfonso Reyes and the Invention of the Latin American Literary Tradition. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP.
  • Cooper, Julie E. 2013. Secular Powers: Humility in Modern Political Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Craig, Albert M. 2009. Civilization and Enlightenment: The Early Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
  • Deutscher, Penelope-Oliver, Kelly. eds. 1999. Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman. Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
  • Dewey, John. 1993. The Political Writings. Debra Morris and Ian Shapiro eds.., Indianapolis: Hackett. The Earl of Abingdon. 1780.
  • Dedication To The Collective Body of The People of England, ; in Which The Source of Our Present Political Distractions Are Sic. Pointed Out, And A Plan Proposed For Their Remedy And Redress. Oxford: W. Jackson.
  • Elias, Norbert. 1998. On Civilization, Power, and Knowledge: Selected Writings. Stephen Mennell and Johan Goudsblom eds.., Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Fabian, Johannes. 1983. Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes its Object. New York: Columbia UP.
  • Fitzgerald, Timothy. 2007. Discourse on Civility and Barbarity: A Critical History of Religion and Related Categories. Oxford: Oxford UP. Garner, Roberta. 1990. “Jacob Burckhardt as a Theorist of Modernity: Reading The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy,” Sociological Theory 8/1 Spring.: 48–57.
  • Gasper, Michael Ezekiel. 2009. The Power of Representation: Publics, Peasants, and Islam in Egypt. Palo Alto: Stanford UP.
  • Gencer, Bedri. 2009. “Hıristiyanlaştırmadan Medenîleştirmeye Batılı Kozmopolitanizmin Dönüşümü,” Muhafazakâr Düşünce 6/21-22 Yaz-Güz.: 9-40.
  • —— 2010. “Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers in John Locke,” The European Legacy 15/3 June.: 323–339.
  • —— 2011. Hikmet Kavşağında Edmund Burke ile Ahmed Cevdet. İstanbul: Kapı.
  • —— 2012. İslâm’da Modernleşme, 1839-1939. Ankara: DoğuBatı.
  • —— 2013a. “İlahi Ekonomi Olarak Din”, Kün Edebiyat 5 Mart-Nisan.: 20-23.
  • —— 2013b. “Medeniyet Ütopyası Peşinde,” Gelenekten Geleceğe Dergisi Medeniyetimiz Sayısı, 2 Haziran. 53-65.
  • Goudsblom, Johan. 2003. “Christian Religion and the European Civilising Process: The Views of Norbert Elias and Max Weber Compared in the Context of the Augustinian and Lucretian Traditions,” Irish Journal of Sociology 12: 24–38.
  • Gourevitch, Victor. 1972. “Rousseau on Arts and Sciences,” Journal of Philosophy 64 20.: 737-754.
  • Göçek, Fatma Müge. 1996. Rise of the Bourgoisie Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change. New York: Oxford UP.
  • Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume. 1997. [1828] The History of Civilization in Europe. William Hazlitt trs..-Larrry Siedentop ed.., London: Penguin.
  • Güler, Ruhi. 2006. Tanzimat’tan II. Meşrûtiyet’e ‘Medeniyet’ Anlayışının Evrimi Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • Günaltay, M. Şemsettin. 1932. “İslâm Medeniyetinde Türklerin Mevkii,” Birinci Türk Tarih Kongresi, 289-306, Ankara: Maârif Vekâleti. Halil, Halid. 1898. A Study in English Turcophobia. London: Pan-Islamic Society.
  • Hanioğlu, M.Şükrü. 1981. Bir Siyasal Düşünür Olarak Doktor Abdullah Cevdet ve Dönemi. İstanbul: Üçdal.
  • —— 1986. Osmanlı İttihad ve Terakkî Cemiyeti ve Jön Türklük 1889-1902. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Henry, John. 2002. Knowledge is Power: How Magic, the Government and an Apocalyptic Vision Inspired Francis Bacon to Create Modern Science. Cambridge: Icon.
  • Hobbes, Thomas. 2003. Leviathan. Richard Tuck ed... Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Huntington. 1836. A System of Modern Geography. Hartford: R. White, and Hutchison & Dwier.
  • Hüseyin Kazım Kadri. Muhsin-i Fânî ez-Zâhirî. 1339/1923. Yirminci Asırda İslâmiyet. İstanbul: Evkâf-ı İslâmiye Matbaası. Isin, Engin. 2002. Being Political: Genealogies of Citizenship. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • İbni Haldun, Muhammed. 2004. Mukaddime, I-II. Abdullah Muhammed Derviş yay., Dımaşk: Dâru Ya’rib.
  • İskilipli, Mehmed Atıf. 1329. Medeniyyet-i Şer’iyye, Terakkiyyât-ı Dîniyye. İstanbul: Matbaa-i Ahmed Kamil.
  • Gaspirinski, İsmail. 1302/1885. Avrupa Medeniyetine Bir Nazar-ı Muvâzene. Kostantiniye: Matbaa-i Ebüzziya.
  • İzmirli, İsmail Hakkı. 1932. “İslâm Medeniyetinde Türkler’in Mevkii Hakkında Mütalaa” Birinci Türk Tarih Kongresi, 321-7, Ankara: T.C. Maârif Vekâleti.
  • —— 1981. Yeni İlm-i Kelam. Sabri Hizmetli yay.., Ankara: Umran.
  • Jaeger, Werner. 1945. Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture, I-III. Gilbert Highet trs.., Oxford: Oxford UP.
  • Jedlicki, Jerzy. 1999. A Suburb of Europe: Nineteenth-century Polish Approaches to Western Civilization. Budapest: Central European UP.
  • Karakuş, Gülbeyaz. 2007. Osmanlı Siyasî Düşüncesinde Yeni Üslûp Arayışları: Mîzan Gazetesi Örneği Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • Kraemer, Joel L. 1992. Humanism in the Renaissance of Islam: The Cultural Revival During the Buyid Age. Leiden: Brill.
  • Köprülüzâde Mehmed Fuad-Şehabeddin Süleyman. 1332/1914. Yeni Osmanlı Tarih-i Edebiyatı: Menşe’lerden Nevşehirli İbrahim Paşa Sadâretine Kadar. İstanbul: Tefeyyüz.
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Toplam 93 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bedri Gencer

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gencer, B. (2014). MODERN MEDENİYET TASAVVURUNA GİRİŞ. Medeniyet Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 25-61.

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